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Ukuphuma kwendudumo ukwaphula amanqaku ama-4 amaqabume obukhulu be-suv ecocekileyo

Ngokuphuhliswa kwamashishini amatsha emoto, efanelekileyo, iluhlaza, ukugcinwa kweenqwelo zombane ezigcinwe ngokuthe ngcembe ngabathengi, kwaye kutshanje kwaye kutshanje kutshanje. More powerful power, more economical travel costs, more quiet and smooth driving experience, the leading advantages of pure electric models, so many tasters in the drive straight after the “can not go back”! Kodwa i-SUVS ecocekileyo ijongene namaxabiso aphezulu, uloyiko lokubanda, uloyiko kunye nezinye iindawo zentlungu, kwaye uvumele abasebenzisi abaninzi baphanziswe, boyika ukukhetha.


Ukujongana nemeko yangoku yeshishini,UkunyukaIsungule i-SUV yayo yokuqala yombane, indudumo yeThenf, eya kuthi isungulwe ngokusemthethweni kwi-Dongfeng kwi-Guanger Mpumi eMhlabeni nge-25 kaMatshi.


Iindudumo zendlela zokugqobhoza, indlela yokwaphula amanqaku ama-4 amakhulu eentlungu ze-SUV ze-SUVs eziNtsha zeSUV, ngokolwazi olufumanekayo emotweni, okulandelayo luhlalutyo:

Ngaba inqwelo-mafutha yombane enye kwiklasi enye ibiza kakhulu kunemoto yeoyile?

Kwimarike yangoku, kukho iingxaki ezinjalo, kodwaUkunyuka

Indudumo ilapha!

For a long time, due to the high cost of core components such as power batteries, pure electric models have been maintaining a higher selling price than fuel cars of the same class. Even after several rounds of price reduction trend, even if the chip, lithium carbonate and other costs gradually return to normal, but the compact pure electric SUV still has a price gap of 50,000 yuan higher than the same level of fuel cars. I-150,000 okanye ngaphantsi, inokukhetha i-SUV yamandla amatsha ayingabi ngaphantsi, kwaye isimo, inqanaba xa kuthelekiswa neemoto zamafutha azisebenzisi ithuba. Le meko ibakhokelele kubathengi bakhetha iimodeli zamafutha asezantsi xa ukhetha.




Ukuphehlelelwa kwendudumo, ukuba inokwaphula umda wexabiso, ukwenza ixabiso elifanayo leoyile kunye nombane, liya kubeka amaza e-suv yombane ococekileyo.


Ngaba ngaba abanini bemoto amatsha amele avume i-plugh kububanzi obubusika?

Ukuvalwa kwemida yobugcisa, uninzi lwezithuthi zamandla amatsha kwimakethi zinengxaki yokubola ebusika, kodwa nantsi ivela iindudumo eziphumayo!


Ukuphuma kwendudumo, kwelinye icala, kusebenzisa i-huawei's tmms2.0 inkqubo yolawulo lwempompo ye-puawei ukuya kubasebenzisi bakhululekileyo ukusuka ebusika. The system uses the world's innovative nine-way valve integration technology to integrate thermal management of air conditioning, electric drive and battery cooling and heating needs.

Izibonelelo zoyilo zivumela iindudumo ezikhuphukayo ziphephe iingxaki ezinje ngamandla ukuhla, ukuncitshiswa komgangatho wobungakanani beqondo lobushushu, kunye nokusetyenziswa kwe-kight


Ukuphuma kwendudumo, kwelinye icala, kusebenzisa i-huawei's tmms2.0 inkqubo yolawulo lwempompo ye-puawei ukuya kubasebenzisi bakhululekileyo ukusuka ebusika. The system uses the world's innovative nine-way valve integration technology to integrate thermal management of air conditioning, electric drive and battery cooling and heating needs.

Izibonelelo zoluyilo zivumela indudumo yokuphepha iingxaki ezinje ngamandla ukuhla, ukuncitshiswa komgangatho wezithuthi ezikhanyayo, kunye nokuduma kwebhetri.I-TITED TRIPE YESIBINI, indudumo engapheliyo inomgangatho we-CLTC ukuya kuthi ga kwi-630km.

Ngaba ungasiphakamisa kuphela uhlahlo-lwabiwo mali lwakho ukuze uyonwabele ikhuselekile kwaye i-smart?



Kwixesha lesenzo sobugcisa betekhnoloji, ukuqhuba okrelekrele kunye ne-cockpiti ekrelekrele akusekho nto ikhethekileyo kwiimoto ezinobunewunewu. Forthin Thunder is equipped with the intelligent driving system Fx-Drive, which has 12 L2+ level assisted driving functions such as adaptive cruise control ACC, lane departure warning LDW and lane keeping LKA.







Ngaba indawo yangaphakathi ye-CASV ye-compact ikwayadingeka?

I-SUGS ECOVS SUVICS inqunyelwe kukubekwa komzimba kunye nezinye izinto, indawo yangaphakathi ayihlali ilungile njengoko kufanele ukuba ibe njalo, kodwa nantsi ivela iindudumo eziphumayo!



Ubungakanani beendudumo eziphumayo ngama-4600mm ubude, 1860mm ububanzi kunye ne-1680mm ephezulu, nge-hellbase ye-2715mm, ukudala indawo ephezulu. Kwangelo xesha, iindawo ezingama-35 zokugcina zilungisiwe ngokufanelekileyo ngaphakathi emotweni, zikhathalela iimfuno zabo bonke abakhweli.



IWebhu: https: //www.flingmotor.com/
Email:dflqali@dflzm.com lixuan@dflzm.com admin@dflzm-forthing.com
Ifowuni: +867723321870 +8618576631613
Idilesi: 286, Pingshan Avenue, Liuzhou, Guangxi, China


Ixesha lokuphumla: Mar-24 ukuya ku-2423